Welcome to the third and last part of our blog series! Today, we will focus on the most awaited part of SEO work: getting the website on Google.
As you now know, optimising a website for search engine success can aid Google in crawling and indexing your pages. However, uploading your website to Google can hasten this procedure even more. That’s because even if your website has no hyperlinks, this still aids Google in finding it.
The key pages on your website that you want search engines to index are listed in sitemaps. The URL of your sitemap, if you have one, will probably be one of these:
- site.com/sitemap.xml
- site.com/sitemap_index.xml
Check site.com/robots.txt, where it’s generally listed, if you can’t locate it there.
Still can’t find it? Then it’s likely that you don’t have one and would need to create one.
You may submit your sitemap via the Google Search Console (GSC):
It’s essential to take a moment to understand how to track and evaluate SEO effectiveness before we get started on SEO. We’ll discuss a very high-level overview here, which is never simple.
Let’s begin with the most obvious. If your organic traffic is increasing, your efforts are paying off. Organic traffic may be tracked for free in GSC.
Improved rankings for your goal keywords indicate that you’re on the correct track. In GSC, you may track average keyword rankings without charge.
Let’s say that you keep track of one keyword, and all of the top Google results are pages from your website. This means that your website’s visibility is 100 per cent because that term drives all relevant traffic to it.
Let’s imagine your website only appears on the first page of Google, with all the other positions taken by competitor websites. If so, your visibility is less than 100 per cent because some clicks move to other websites. Growing visibility is a good indicator that your SEO strategy is working.
SEO is the process of boosting a website’s organic search traffic. You achieve this by showing up in organic search results because it’s unlikely that you’ll rank highly without SEO.
Being highly ranked produces continual, passive, free traffic. SEO is made up of a variety of elements, including technical SEO, on-page SEO, link development, and keyword research. When your website is correctly configured for SEO success, performing SEO is considerably simpler. Most of the time, Google will find and index your website on its own, but, you can occasionally hasten the process by providing your sitemap.
Now that you have a deeper understanding of search engine optimisation, it’s time to apply your knowledge to good use. Good luck, and see you on the first page of Google search results!